How to Build Relationships Between ECEs and Parents
Early childhood educators spend almost the same amount of time with children and parents do. To ensure a fluid transition for children, it’s a great idea to strive towards a good relationship between educators and parents. We asked an ECE for some successful tips on building better communications between home and childcare.
Acknowledge ECEs as trained professionals. They are with your child for the majority of the day and as a result have gotten to know them quite well.
If an educator brings a concern to you it is because they believe it is in your best interest to be aware of the problem. Communicate different problem solving techniques to deal with the concern.
Offer to provide cooperation at home. Ask them what can be done outside of the classroom to deal with certain issues.
If you can, arrive for pick-up a little early to share some of your child’s time with you. This will shed a light on their behaviors during the day.
Ask what your child has been up to during the day and take the time to talk about it over dinner or in the car ride home.
Ask your ECE how his/her day was. A bit of adult interaction can be refreshing at the end of a long day.
Thanks to Kym Schmidt, Executive Director at Cairns Children’s Centre for sharing her ideas with Together Families.