Is it a Cold or the Flu?

Keep Germs Out of the Classroom!

Social Media for your Daycare Business

Deciphering Birth Order

Teaching Generosity

Early Intervention for Developmental Delays

How to Nurture a Quiet Child

5 Tips for a Safe Halloween

How to Avoid Using Bribery at Drop Off

5 Great Children's Books About Inclusivity and Kindness

How to Be the Best Homework Helper Possible
This year parents have had more of a peek into their children’s learning styles than ever before. While kids have been in and out of in-class learning the burden has been put on parents to make sure their kids stay on track but also stay healthy and happy. We’ve come up with a list of tried and true tactics that parents can use to encourage productivity and focus in their kids without stepping over the line.

How to Emotionally Support Children Returning Back to School
This year parents have had more of a peek into their children’s learning styles than ever before. While kids have been in and out of in-class learning the burden has been put on parents to make sure their kids stay on track but also stay healthy and happy. We’ve come up with a list of tried and true tactics that parents can use to encourage productivity and focus in their kids without stepping over the line.

5 At Home Productivity Pointers
This year parents have had more of a peek into their children’s learning styles than ever before. While kids have been in and out of in-class learning the burden has been put on parents to make sure their kids stay on track but also stay healthy and happy. We’ve come up with a list of tried and true tactics that parents can use to encourage productivity and focus in their kids without stepping over the line.

How to Ensure Polite Behavior
These skills are important because they teach your child how to express themselves and connect with others on an emotional, respectful level. Here are some tips for adults to guide child behavior in a polite and kind way.

Red Flag Behaviors
Red Flag Behaviors are essentially actions exhibited by a child that warrant deeper consideration of assistance needed in helping a child grow and/or master conflict resolution. But in thinking of red flag behaviors in children, let’s first focus on the process of being mindful of the whole child and wanting to maximize the best opportunities for that child. What does that process look like?

End Thumb Sucking Today!
Many young children suck their thumbs as a way to soothe and comfort themselves. Long term thumb-sucking may lead to problems with teeth, speech and language, and is often a hard habit to break. Here are some tips to help young children stop thumb-sucking as soon as possible.

What the #%@& - What to do when children swear
When young children swear or use foul language it can take adults by surprise. Where did she learn that? Has he said that word to anyone else?

Challenging Behavior Issues and Strategies
Educators work with a variety of complicated behaviors everyday and have mastered several techniques to deal with them. Most challenging behaviors, such as aggression, position and stubbornness can be redirected through these simple steps.

How to Communicate with Children who Have Special Needs
All children want to be included, have friends and feel like they belong. The following tips show how we can do our best to make children feel this way every day. If there is a child who has special needs at your child’s school or childcare centre, here are some things to consider.
Start your journey
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